Research & Education

Health of the Mind in Healing


The combination of body mind and spirit is at the core of holistic health. Seems like this topic may be nothing new to many yet it bears repeating and deserves a constant spotlight. It embraces the idea that the whole person is expressed through their health and likewise the state of one’s health is a representation of how the whole body is interacting. In recent decades there has been an exciting trend toward evidence-based medicine which has reached into the “body” aspect of our trinity of holistic health. Joining functional testing and peer-reviewed literature has allowed us to better understand the biochemical relationships between organ systems and has validated the success of a holistic approach to health. However in the wake of this exciting discovery filled with functional tests biochemistry and interconnections let us not forget the importance of the mind and spirit in both the initiation of health conditions and in subsequent healing.

Toxic Emotions

Bitterness unforgiveness resentment retaliation anger hatred guilt shame sorrow regret jealousy helplessness depression anxiety worry apathy loneliness fear and rejection. These are toxic emotions. Interestingly they can be the root of physiological symptoms chronic health problems and hormonal imbalances just as much as biochemical imbalances and stress. We often lump these emotions together with stress and only address the importance of stress management; however many of these toxic emotions can exist in the absence of stress and create an equally ugly state of health.

Emotions & Cardiovascular Disease

Toxic negative emotions can increase risks of America’s top cause of mortality – cardiovascular disease – independent of traditional risk factors such as age sex race education body mass index smoking status and blood pressure. According to a study in the Journal of Psychosomatic Research anxiety and worry are strong risk factors for coronary heart disease while a separate study found hostility anger and aggressiveness to be strong associations as well. Possible explanations have included the impact of anger and hostility on cardiac autonomic function inflammatory pathways coagulation factors and cortisol levels but regardless of the mode of action the ‘real’ cure lies in resolving the toxic emotion and any precipitating circumstances or relationships. 

Conversely laughter has been inversely associated with heart disease even after accounting for aggravating comorbidities such as hypercholesterolemia hypertension and diabetes mellitus. Harvard School of Public Health published the results of a review of more than 200 studies that showed optimism and positive emotion not only protect against cardiovascular disease but also slow the progression of the disease in current sufferers. Since cardiovascular disease remains the largest cause of death in the US if positive emotions can turn the tide on this condition surely they can positively impact other health conditions.

Emotions & Quality of Life

Quality of life is a consideration in nearly any treatment plan but is almost always a deciding factor for those with cancer. Emotions play an important role in the ability to cope with a chronic or life-threatening condition. Maintaining a positive attitude in the face of poor prognosis and adopting favorable coping skills that redirect emotions in a positive direction were found to improve the quality of life significantly in a group of 665 women newly diagnosed with breast cancer. When women resorted to self-blame rumination catastrophizing and blaming others quality of life was poor. However acceptance positive refocusing planning and positive reappraisal consistently delivered better quality of life scores.

Regardless of one’s state of health positive psychological well-being increases mortality in everyone according to a review of nearly 70 combined studies. The studies that controlled for negative affect even revealed protective effects of positive well-being that included positive affect (emotional well-being positive mood joy happiness vigor energy) and positive trait dispositions (life satisfaction hopefulness optimism sense of humor). Reduced mortality as a result of positive well-being was noted in significant measures among those with risk factors for cardiovascular disease individuals in renal-failure and those with HIV infections.

So much more could be said about the impact of our thoughts on our physiology. The way we think affects how we perceive our circumstances and how our body responds to those circumstances. Becoming victims of depression anxiety worry blame hopelessness fear loneliness rejection anger jealously and other negative thought patterns will only lead to negative physiological outcomes. Encouraging positive thought patterns by focusing on joy happiness peace purpose love acceptance kindness satisfaction hope optimism and laughter begins an internal healing process that eludes even the greatest test. There is truly a healing power when the trinity of holistic health – body mind and spirit – function together to restore wellness.