Research & Education

Decoding Peptides: The Body’s Little Helpers

Why Muscle Strength is Important in Aging

Strong muscles are key to living independently and comfortably as we age. That is why taking care of our muscles is essential for healthy aging. Some estimates place muscle mass loss around 10% each decade after 30 years, and this rate of muscle loss increases after the age of 60. Strength training – from using body weight, machines, or free weights – is an effective way muscle mass may be preserved during aging. However, strength training is just one piece of the aging puzzle. Providing the body with adequate nutrients is as important as participating in planned movement. Protein is one macronutrient that may be consumed to support healthy muscle mass growth, repair, and maintenance

Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins

Proteins are made up of varying sequences of the 20 different amino acids that are found in the human body. Amino acids are known to be the “building blocks for proteins” because when protein is consumed at a meal, the body’s digestive system breaks proteins apart into amino acids. The body can then use the free pool of available amino acids to build essential peptides. One may also consume targeted, isolated amino acids in supplemental form (e.g., lysine, glutamine, taurine). Peptides are made up of two or more amino acids in a specific sequence. Peptides are not a mystery. Specific peptides are commonly used throughout the entire human body for proper biological functioning. Some common bioactive peptides include insulin, glucagon, oxytocin, and glutathione. Similar to free-form amino acids, one can consume supplemental bioactive peptides in a pre-formed, absorbable state for potential clinical benefits. 

Common Examples of Important Peptides

Glutathione is an antioxidant that the body uses to promote a healthy inflammatory response and is made from three amino acids (tripeptide) – glycine, glutamate, and cysteine. Oxytocin is often called the “love hormone” because it is secreted when humans experience intense love and bonding, such as when a mother holds her newborn baby. Oxytocin is composed of nine amino acids. Insulin is a hormone secreted by the beta cells of the pancreas that supports sugar metabolism. Insulin is made up of 51 amino acids! Finally, glucagon is a peptide hormone secreted by the alpha cells of the pancreas. It stimulates glucose production in the liver by promoting glycogen breakdown and gluconeogenesis, which supports blood sugar regulation. Glucagon is made up of 29 amino acids. 

Peptide Extraction Process

Several methods are utilized to extract peptides, but chemical or acid hydrolysis is conventionally used. Acid hydrolysis is a process used to break down larger tissues or compounds, such as complete proteins, into their smaller parts, such as amino acids or peptides. For instance, collagen is a large structural protein, while collagen peptides are shorter fragments of collagen that have been broken down by hydrolysis. All living creatures on Earth contain amino acids, peptides, and proteins. Plant sources are also commonly used to extract bioactive peptides for clinical purposes. One such plant source is the fava bean. Plant-based bioactive peptides from fava bean (Vicia faba), called PeptiStrong™, were discovered through advanced artificial intelligence (AI)

PeptiStrong™ Clinical Research 

PeptiStrong™ are bioactive peptides that have been shown to act on certain pathways in the body that stimulate muscle protein synthesis. In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group trial, 30 healthy males (30 to 45 years old) were recruited to receive either a placebo (silicified microcrystalline cellulose; SMCC) or PeptiStrong™ supplementation with the first meal of the day for 17 days. The primary outcome being investigated was the effects of PeptiStrong™ supplementation on muscle strength and recovery after exhaustive, damaging exercise, which induced delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). After daily supplementation with 2.4 g of either placebo or PeptiStrong™, the group that was given the PeptiStrong™ supplementation exhibited significant strength recovery after exhaustive exercise (P = 0.025) compared to their baseline strength. Compared to the placebo group, the group given PeptiStrong™ exhibited a significant improvement in strength recovery (P = 0.027) and muscle fatigue (P = 0.041) 72 hours post-DOMS. PeptiStrong™ may help increase muscle recovery rate by 144%, athletic performance recovery by 54%, and help reduce muscular fatigue by 47%, which may further support muscular endurance in active individuals. 

In a comparative study, 30 young (19 to 29 years) male participants were divided into two groups. One group was given 20 g of a peptide supplement derived from fava bean daily, and the other group was given 20 g of a milk protein concentrate. The supplements were taken twice daily (each serving was 10 g/day), starting two days before one of their legs was immobilized for a week with a cast. After the week of immobilization, the participants had 14 days of regular activity to recover. Numerous tests were conducted on the study participants before, immediately after, and 14 days after the leg immobilization. After seven days of immobilization, both groups experienced similar muscle size and strength decreases. After 14 days of recovery, both groups exhibited similar muscle strength growth and recovery. However, the groups given the peptide supplement derived from fava bean exhibited a higher protein synthesis rate (1.53% ± 0.38%) than those given the milk protein concentrate (1.23% ± 0.36%; P = 0.027). Although more research is needed to verify these findings, PeptiStrong™ has promising results. 


In summary, PeptiStrong™ is a cutting-edge new ingredient at the forefront of emerging research. The research behind its bioactive peptides offers promising potential for those seeking to maintain muscle strength and recovery as they age. Peptides, far from being a mystery, are building blocks the human body uses daily to perform vital functions. Although further clinical trials are needed, the research into PeptiStrong™ shows its ability to support muscle recovery and fatigue, making it a valuable addition to strength training and proper nutrition for healthy aging. 

To read more about peptides: 

Collagen Peptides to Promote Skeletal Muscle

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